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Background Of The Case

Nahir Galarza: Argentine Teenager Sentenced to Life

Background of the Case

In December 2017, Argentina was taken by storm with the trial of Nahir Galarza, a 19-year-old accused of murdering her boyfriend, Fernando Pastorizzo.

The Trial

The trial, held in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, gripped the nation as prosecutors alleged that Galarza had shot Pastorizzo multiple times at close range. The defense, led by attorney Raquel Hermida Leyenda, argued that Galarza had acted in self-defense.

Life Sentence

On December 3, 2018, Galarza was found guilty of aggravated intentional homicide and sentenced to life imprisonment. She became the youngest woman in Argentina to receive such a sentence.


The case has sparked widespread debate in Argentina, raising questions about gender, violence against women, and the judicial system. Galarza has since faced additional accusations from her lawyer, who claimed that Galarza's father was involved in the killing.

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* Title: Nahir Galarza: Argentine Teenager Sentenced to Life * Keywords: Nahir Galarza, murder, Argentina, life sentence, Fernando Pastorizzo, trial * Description: A summary of the Nahir Galarza murder case, the youngest woman in Argentina to receive a life sentence for killing her boyfriend.
